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Showing posts from May, 2017


Hey Everyone Welcome Back To My Blog! If there’s one thing women are more into these days, apart from makeup, it’s being fit and leading a healthy lifestyle! Fortunately for us, there are loads of youtubers out there, who have channels, that are dedicated to health and fitness! The sad part though, we don’t know who these people are, because we are engrossed in the Makeup channels. So this post is dedicated to my 5 favourite youtubers, that promote healthy eating, and fitness on their channels, and to help you guys out with all the healthy diets and workouts, you need to stay in shape and look gorgeous! 1.TONE IT UP! Tone it up is a channel run by two girls, Karena and Katrina, and they’ve dedicated this channel to the women, who want to stay fit and active! With tons of workout plans, targeted for different problem areas of the body, and now their own line of workout essentials, from supplements to accessories, this channel is something that’ll transform you in weeks! So if yo


I have tried hundreds of shampoos and conditioners throughout my life! I mean literally hundreds! I once read somewhere that you shouldn’t use the same shampoo, soap and toothpaste for a very long time. So I kept on changing these every  now and then. Now I had beautiful hair. My hair was long, thick and luscious! I’ve never color treated my hair, nor have I ever gone through any chemical hair treatments. I barely used a flat iron or a curling rod or even hair dryer. I style my hair probably 10 times a year or so. So that rendered into the purity and beautification of my hair. However at the start of the year 2015, I started experiencing some health issues which lasted  for about 10 months, so that affected whole of my body including my skin and hair. My hair became brittle and started falling out. My hair eventually became thinner and finally I was left with drastically damaged hair. Once I gained my health back, I immediately started looking for hair products that targeted da


Hello everyone welcome back to my blog! A while back I posted a blog about Concealer FAQs. Now this blog is sort of a continuation of the previous one. Today I’m going to highlight all the common mistakes we do when we buy and apply a concealer. Now I’m no expert here myself, but I know my makeup, so I’ll try to cover as many mistakes as I can and if I miss out on something, I’ll be happy to hear ya’ll out  1.CHOOSING THE WRONG SHADE! Now most women do not know how to pick out the right shade of concealer. Is it a shade lighter than the foundation, or a shade darker, or the exact same shade as the foundation? These questions mainly occupy our minds when we go out and buy makeup! Fear not though, because I have the answer! The rule of the thumb is to choose a shade or two lighter than that of your foundation. Lighter shades cover up the imperfections perfectly and does not look obvious on the skin too. 2.REMEMBER TO CHECK THE UNDERTONE! This is something th


Hey Everyone Welcome Back To My Blog! As I promised in one of my previous posts, that I wrote about determining your Undertone, this post is dedicated to everything you need to know about how your undertone affects your makeup, or does it affect it at all! So I’m not going to bore you with more about what undertone is, if you missed the post I previously wrote, just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to the post!  Now your undertone does affect your makeup choices, but just the face makeup, you know like your foundations and concealers, your blushes and contours etc. It does however has no effect on your eye makeup. Now I know this is hard to believe, but if you really want to know the details, read the complete post and you’ll be enlightened! FOUNDATION! Yes your undertone definitely affects your foundation. If you are warm toned, and your foundation has cool tones, the outcome will be devastating! Your face would look somewhat grey. On the other hand if you ar