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Showing posts from June, 2017


Being women, we tend to acquire a habit of neglecting our own needs and putting others first. We would look after our parents, siblings, husbands and children all day long, but when it comes to taking care of our own selves, we just become the most carefree person on the planet. Well I think it’s about time that we start worrying about what we need to stay fit and healthy. Because let’s face it, if we don’t look after ourselves, who’s going to look after our loved ones? So let’s dive into the 6 thing every woman must eat every single day to keep as fit and healthy as possible! APPLES! As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, apples are one of the healthiest snack you can munch on between meals. They are rich in Antioxidants and Fibre. Every woman should have at least one apple daily as a part of her diet. Some of the benefits of apples are listed below: It reduces cholesterol, as the fibres bind with fats in the intestine. Reduces t